Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is a representative body of Christ’s faithful whose purpose is the promotion of the mission of the Church in all its aspects in Holy Cross Parish. This will involve prayerful discernment about the pastoral needs of the parish.
The discernment is enlightened by the local experience of the members and the reading of the signs of the times in the light of the gospel.
The members of the Parish Pastoral Council will at all times work in close collaboration with the parish priest. It is to be understood by all members that the nature of the Parish Pastoral Council is consultative and advisory.
Since the Parish Pastoral Council is established to assist the parish priest to exercise his ministry, its deliberations are to be informed by the word of God, the teaching of the Church and the directives of the Archbishop.
To ensure that it is capable of doing so every meeting will begin with a time of prayer and reflection.
The Instruction on “The Pastoral Conversion of the Parish Community” (27th June 2020) quotes Pope Francis:
“How necessary pastoral councils are! …A Bishop cannot guide a Diocese without pastoral councils. A Parish Priest cannot guide without pastoral councils.” Later on the Instruction states “…the Pastoral Council highlights & realises the centrality of the People of God as the subject & active protagonist of the evangelising mission, in virtue of the fact that every member of the faithful has received the gifts of the Spirit through Baptism & Confirmation…
Fabric & Finance Team
The Instruction on “The Pastoral Conversion of the Parish Community” (27th June 2020): “The Finance Council fulfils a role of particular importance in the growth, at the level of the Parish community, of a culture of co-responsibility, of administrative transparency, and of service to the needs of the Church. In a particular way, transparency should not be understood as a mere formal presentation of statistics, but more as information that is the community’s due, and an advantageous opportunity for its formative involvement…
Ordinarily, the goal of transparency may be attained by publishing the annual financial report… with detailed indications of income and expenditure. From the annual report, the community as a whole may be aware that these goods belong to the Parish, not the Parish Priest; that he is the steward of them; how they are administered; what the financial situation of the Parish is and what resources are effectively at its disposal.”
Society of St Vincent de Paul (SSVP)
If you feel the need to request assistance log on to, complete the request form and send to:
SSVP (Scotland, 113 West Regent Street, Glasgow, G2 2RU
Email the details to
The admin office will forward your request to the SSVP Conference linked to your parish.
Please bear in mind that our members are volunteers. Any requests are reviewed at SSVP conference meetings, when it is identified what assistance and support may be offered. The Conference relies solely on the donations and the contributions of our parishioners, therefore financial assistance is dependant on the Conference having sufficient and available funds at the time.
Catholic Education
There are two Catholic Primaries and two Catholic High Schools closely associated with the Parish.
Other Parish Groups & Organisations
The Altar Society keeps the Church so Beautiful including roles such as Cleaners, Sanitisers, Flower Arrangers.
Various “Friends of St Cecilia” are involved in our Music at Mass group and similar dedication is found with Pass-keepers, Sacristan, Altar Servers, Readers, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
The Ladies Guild meets on Thursday Evenings at 7.30pm in Parish Hall. The Guild Members would make you very welcome to Join them for: Fun, thoughtful and social evenings.
The Justice & Peace Group meet monthly to promote and implement the Catholic Social Teaching.
The Bereavement Group meets to accompany the Bereaved. This is not a professional service. They may be asked to source details of professional help (eg Counselling, CRUSE etc)… but offering such professional help is not the task of the Bereavement Team.
The Tea & Toasters normally meet after 10am Mass on Tuesdays in Parish Hall.
SCIAF Group keeps one eye on Third World Issues.
Men’s Acoustic Nights meet regularly on certain Friday Evenings. Apart from a great social occasion & even better music a (different each month) Specific Charity is supported.
Holy Cross Stream Team attend to live- streaming (and some recorded events) of the life of the Parish.
Other Associated Groups
Joining a Parish Group
Whether it is to socialise, reflect in prayer, give to your local parish community or volunteer your spare time to help others, all groups in the parish welcome new members at any time.
Contact us for more information on how to join, or speak to a member of any of the groups if you see them around the parish.